C9PG: Smarter Payments since 1995

Enterprise Level Payment Processing Gateway

Honed to Perfection

The only payment gateway designed from the ground up to serve both small businesses and large enterprises

0 +
Transactions Per Year
0 Mil+
Processed in 12 Months
$ 0 Bil+

Enterprise Ready

  • Level 2 & Level 3
  • Tip, Adjust, Verify, Partial Auth
  • Terminal Capture
  • Tokenization
  • Encryption
  • Hierarchical Control 
  • Advanced Filtering 
  • Human Centric
  • Next Gen Front End
  • Popular CreditLine UX 
  • Multi-Business Service 
  • Chain/Franchise
  • Multi-Region
  • Exhaustive Data Visibility

Stand-Alone Payment Portal

  • Tokenized Virtual Terminals
  • Self-Service & Full Service
  • Credit Cards, Debit & ACH
  • Easy Integration 

Loss Prevention

  • Email and Cell Alerts
  • Multi-Dimensional Metrics
  • AI Decision Making
  • Auto-Recovery

Big Data Works For You

  • Powerful Auditing Capability
  • Easy Stats
  • Loss Prevention

Cutting Edge Technology

Our Payment Terminals





Phone:    (888) 388-8773

Address: 265 S Federal HWY 353 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

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Extra! Extra!

The Latest Payment Industry Insights

Payment Processing

VISA Interchange Rate Hike Postponed

Visa Interchange Rates Postponed Until April 2021 Visa recently announced that the majority of their interchange rate changes previously announced for April and October 2020

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